How To Join

If you are interested in join​ing Round Table but are not sure what it's all about please see the information below or contact us by email at ​​​

Who joins and​​ why?

The members of Round Table come from all walks of life and join for a variety of reasons - perhaps as a gateway to relaxation and to enjoyment, or as a way of participating in the local community. It is, of course, an ideal way for those who have moved into a new area to find new friends of a similar age.

Membership of Round Table helps to create confidence and character. The individual learns quickly to mix and 'have-a-go' at helping to organise and run meetings and events. The organisation is run by and for Tablers as a hobby.

How do I become a member?

After attending as a guest for a time, potential members are invited to join. There are no barriers regarding one's political, religious, occupational or marital status and the only qualification is to be male, over 18 and under 45.

What about the costs and commitment involved?

There is a monthly subscription fee. All members are encouraged to attend the twice monthly meetings and to support and participate in as many of the other activities as possible. As with any hobby the more you put in, the more you get out. This is the challenge of Round Table.​